TPO Roofing

TPO Roofing - Endure Weather

Maintaining a flat roof on your commercial property can be daunting. With no peaks or slopes to divert water away, these roofs must endure various weather conditions and heavy foot traffic. That’s where TPO roofing shines as a popular solution.

Our Solutions

TPO - Protection with Thermoplactic

Advantages of TPO Roofing

TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin) roofing emerged in the 1990s, offering heat-welded seams akin to PVC but at a more affordable price similar to EPDM roofing. Comprising rubber, ethylene, propylene, and fillers like talc and fiberglass, TPO roofs boast exceptional durability against harsh weather.

Durable and Low Maintenance

TPO roofing features thick top-plys, making it ideal for flat roofs prone to foot traffic while reducing maintenance needs. This frees up time for property owners to focus on other tasks.

Custom Fit and Leak Resistance

Available in various sizes, TPO roofing allows for a custom fit, minimizing seams and enhancing leak resistance, crucial for flat roofs.

Long Lifespan

With an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years, TPO roofing rivals EPDM, thanks to its ability to withstand temperature extremes without damage, suitable for all seasons.

Environmentally Friendly

TPO roofing is 100% recyclable and chlorine-free, reducing waste and environmental impact. Choosing TPO not only protects your building but also contributes to environmental preservation.

Get Started with Your TPO Roofing Project

To explore the benefits of TPO roofing and discuss options for your property, contact the experts at All Weather Roofing System. We provide free estimates. 

Don’t just replace your roof – replace your worries.

For expert advice on cedar shake roofing and a FREE estimate, contact All Weather Roofing System today. Let us help you enhance the beauty of your home while ensuring lasting durability.